11-12 September 2017


About the course:
This training workshop will provide an environment of effective interactive learning, building relationships, and problem-solving activities with emphasis on Well Completion design practices and an opportunity to tackle potential challenges for participants well completions projects. Candidates will be engaging in how a Completion system is properly designed with focus on achieving maximized well productivity, integrity for the life of well cycle in a cost-effective manner taking advantage of industry best practices and implementation of viable technologies. The session will be facilitated by Petrocompletions founder-Dickson Omonze

Target audience:
Completions engineers, production technologists, Drilling Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Technical managers & candidates in the Oil and Gas Energy industry involved in the well completion design process and operations.

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to completions systems
  • Fundamentals of well productivity
  • Completion fluids
  • Completion Equipment
  • Perforating systems and applications
  • Flow assurance and Production enhancement
  • Sand Control
  • Material selection
  • Tubing Stress Analysis principles
  • Completion Design Guideline & Program development

US$300.00 per candidate

To register email us at: